Unlock your Potential

Become a member and get exclusive access to the growing collection of sound journeys composed by Sky Rivers to activate Kundalini energy to transform body & mind.

This is the Power of
Sound Journeys.

  • Sound frequencies can induce altered states of consciousness by entraining brainwaves. Theta and delta brainwave patterns, associated with deep relaxation and altered states, have been observed during sound healing practices.

  • Sound has been linked to the release of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. Alterations in neurotransmitter levels contribute to shifts in consciousness, impacting mood and perception.

  • Sound frequencies can stimulate the release of endogenous dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a naturally occurring psychedelic compound. Elevated DMT levels are associated with altered states of consciousness and mystical experiences.

  • Sound journeys can facilitate the synchronisation of brain hemispheres. Hemispheric coherence is linked to altered states of awareness, promoting a sense of unity and expanded consciousness.

  • Sound journeys can enhance intuitive abilities and creative thinking. Altered states induced by sound can increase access to subconscious information and novel ideas.

  • Sound journeys can initiate kundalini activation and spiritual experiences. Participants often describe a sense of connection to a higher self or a transcendent reality during sound-initiated altered states.

  • Sound journeys modulate the default mode network (DMN) of the brain. Altered DMN activity is linked to shifts in self-awareness, perception of time, and a sense of interconnectedness.

  • Engaging in sound healing practices enhances mindfulness and present-moment awareness. Altered states induced by sound contribute to a heightened sense of being in the "here and now."

  • Scientific studies support the positive psychological impact of sound healing-induced altered states, including increased feelings of bliss, awe, and transcendence. These psychological shifts contribute to overall well-being and personal transformation.

This Month’s Guided Meditation
Explore the Power of Mind ↓

Listen to Sample ↓

Awaken your Healing Gifts: A Journey to the Akashic Records to Discover your Past

Do you feel a deep desire to heal yourself and others, but lack clarity on your unique healing abilities?

This 15-minute guided meditation offers you a profound journey to unlock the secrets of your past. Embark on an adventure to the Akashic Records, the vast library of your soul's journey. Within its ancient pages lies the knowledge of a past life where you served as a great and powerful healer.

What awaits you:

  • Discover your unique healing gift: Uncover the specific modalities you used in your past life and how they translate into your present abilities.

  • Reawaken dormant talents: Reclaim the essence of your healing gift and rekindle its power within you.

  • Gain clarity and purpose: Understand the role healing plays in your life and use this knowledge to guide your path.

  • Empower yourself and others: Activate your innate healing potential to serve yourself and the world around you.

Enjoy this transformative experience to rediscover your past as a healer and reclaim your healing gifts to bring healing into your life and the world.

This is the Power of
Guided Meditation.

  • Guided meditation has been shown to induce theta brainwave patterns associated with deep relaxation and altered states of consciousness.

    Theta states are linked to enhanced creativity, intuition, and a sense of spiritual connection.

  • Guided meditation influences the default mode network (DMN), leading to altered states of consciousness.

    Changes in the DMN are associated with shifts in self-awareness, reduced mind-wandering, and an increased sense of presence

  • Guided meditation practices may induce neurochemical changes, including the release of endorphins and serotonin.

    These changes contribute to a heightened sense of well-being and altered states of consciousness.

  • Altered states induced by guided meditation facilitate access to the subconscious mind. This can lead to profound insights, self-discovery, and resolution of unresolved emotions.

  • Guided meditation can initiate spiritual experiences as we enter altered states of consciousness. In these states we have access to more reality as we go beyond the boundaries of physical space-time. These experiences often involve a deep and profound sense of transcendence where we feel interconnected with a higher consciousness or a divine presence.

  • Scientific studies demonstrate that guided meditation enhances mindfulness. Enhanced mindfulness helps us to navigate daily stressors more effectively, fostering a greater sense of calm and resilience in the face of challenges.

  • Brain imaging studies have illuminated the remarkable impact of guided meditation on emotional well-being, revealing heightened activity in regions linked to positive emotions, such as joy and gratitude. Being exposure to positive emotions through regular guided meditation has been found to create new neurological pathways in the brain.

    This process, known as neuroplasticity, essentially rewires the brain, contributing to an increased capacity for happiness. The cultivation of joy and gratitude through guided meditation not only enhances one's emotional landscape but also lays the foundation for a more resilient and optimistic mindset, promoting overall mental well-being.

Embark on a Transformative Journey

Receive Sky Rivers’ guidance on your transformative journey to unlock your energetic potential and explore practices that help you integrate your energy activations. New posts are added each month.


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Guided Meditation βœ“

Enjoy a new guided meditation each month to access altered states of consciousness for energetic healing, personal growth and spiritual insights.

Sound Journeys βœ“

Get exclusive access to the growing collection of sound journeys composed by Sky Rivers to activate Kundalini energy to transform body & mind.

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Receive Sky Rivers’ guidance on your transformative journey and explore effective grounding practices to integrate your energy activations in your daily life.

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